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Dragonfly Dance & Performing Arts


Safeguarding & Protecting Children & Vulnerable Adults Policy v1


Policy Statement


Dragonfly Dance & Performing Arts (Dragonfly DPA) subscribes to the principles of safeguarding and protecting children and vulnerable adults. We aim to ensure that anyone participating at our dance studios can do so in a safe and child-friendly environment.

The welfare of children [anyone under the age of 18 yrs.] or anyone deemed to be a vulnerable adult is of paramount importance and Dragonfly DPA believes that all children, regardless of ability, age, disability, gender, sexual orientation, parental status, race, religion or belief or socio/economic background have a right to be protected from abuse.

Safeguarding children and vulnerable adults is everyone’s responsibility – every individual within the organisation, must play their part in ensuring a safe environment.  We adopt a child-centred approach to teaching to ensure we better meet the needs of children. This includes ensuring decision making is informed by a clear understanding of the needs and view of children.


Overall Responsibilities


Dragonfly DPA will promote the highest standards of safeguarding and will:


• Promote the welfare of members and the importance of safeguarding

• Ensure that everyone understands their roles and responsibilities in respect of safeguarding

• Ensure robust systems are in place to manage any concerns or allegations

• Respond to child protection and poor practice concerns

• Liaise with ISTD, RAD and local statutory organisations as required


Staff Responsibilities


Dragonfly DPA will ensure all members of staff and volunteers within the school promote the highest standards of safeguarding and will:


• Ensure staff and volunteers are able to recognise, identify and respond to signs of abuse, neglect and other safeguarding concerns relating to children, young people or vulnerable adults

• Ensure staff complete a recognised Safeguarding and Protecting Children training every three years

• Ensure staff and volunteers have appropriate pre-recruitment checks (including criminal records checks where appropriate)

• Ensure staff and volunteers provide the appropriate level of activity for the abilities of the students they are teaching

• Support whistle blowing and take steps to ensure members, their parents/carers and others feel able to raise concerns without fear of negative repercussions

• Ensure staff and volunteers work in partnership with the management team to ensure poor practice is addressed and any required remedial action is taken


General Policy Information


This policy will be regularly reviewed and updated by the management team in conjunction with any changes made to the RAD and ISTD Safeguarding and Protecting Children policies and any legislative changes.

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